About Us

Born in London, I gained an honours degree in Geography from Cambridge University and then went to music college in Manchester, spending a few years pursuing an interest in classical singing.
I discovered astrology just after my first Saturn return and it quickly became a passion. I gained a Diploma at the Faculty of Astrological Studies in 2000, and have been a professional astrologer ever since. I have had a long career with the Faculty, as a former Vice-President and President of the school, its Summer School Organiser, Director of Studies, and as founder of its Online Classes programme, also contributing extensively to its course material. In 2012, I was awarded a lifelong Faculty Fellowship, for my contribution to the life of the school.
In my early years as an astrologer, I also worked for several years as a reflexologist, in placements in hospices and clinics, working with clients with immune-related illnesses. Health and wellbeing remain a significant interest.
Client work and teaching are the heart of my practice as an astrologer. I have clients and students all over the world, have spoken at a number of international conferences, and taught astrology workshops for schools and organisations in Spain, Bali, China, India, Portugal and Japan.
In 2015 I gained an MA in Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred from Canterbury Christ Church University, studying with Angela Voss and Geoffrey Cornelius. Since 2018, I have been a tutor on the Sophia MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David and I continue to pursue my own research into astrology, mythology, divination, and the Western esoteric tradition.
I am a qualified Horary Practitioner through Deborah Houlding’s School of Traditional Astrology (STA). I am also the author of Astrology: Using the Wisdom of the Stars in Your Everyday Life (Dorling Kindersley) and co-author of Journey Through Astrology (FAS Press).

Scottish by birth and nomadic by nature, I am a professional consulting Astrologer and event facilitator. I hold certification from Liz Greene's Centre for Psychological Astrology (CPA), and the International Society for Astrological Research (CAP), plus a diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies (D.F.Astrol.S). I am also a qualified Horary Practitioner through Deborah Houlding’s School of Traditional Astrology (STA).
A lifelong student of astrology, it wasn’t until after completing 2 years of rigorous accredited astrological training in the UK (1997-99), that I returned to my adopted home in California and began formally consulting and teaching classes. In 2004 I created another home in Bali and started inviting world famous astrologers to come and give workshops through, "Astrology in Bali." That company then expanded to include other fields of interest in other parts of the world, eventually becoming Heaven and Earth Workshops.
A passionate traveller all my life, I now organise workshops around the world that combine education with travel and immersive cultural experiences. I also maintain my astrological consultancy practice. In 2003 I was one of twelve astrologers who participated in a book project by author Rafael Nasser: Under One Sky.
Our Community

Brian Clark has been in private practice as an astrological consultant and educator for over forty years, having taught astrology in the continuing educational program, Astro*Synthesis.
His astrological work has always been informed by the ambiguous, yet multi-layered nature of its symbols, a focus of one of his books Soul, Symbol and Imagination. His passion for mythology and the classics inspired him to guide tours to the sacred sanctuaries of ancient Greece, particularly those dedicated to healing and divination. Through Odyssey Tours to the Sacred Sanctuaries of Ancient Greece, Brian conducted 17 tours, as well as numerous seminars on the Greek tragedies, myths and ongoing classes on Greek Mythology.
Over the years, Brian has taught at international workshops and retreats in Australia, Asia, North America and Europe. He continues his consulting and tutoring practice, administrating his distance learning programme, as well as teaching astrology and writing for astrological and psychological journals. He is the author of many student publications available through his website. He has contributed to Jung Talks (CG Jung Society Melbourne: 2011), Jung in Effect (CG Jung Society Melbourne: 2015), is the author of Celestial Tarot, as well as astrological texts focusing on the astrology of family, adult relationships, vocation and time.
Brian has his MA in Classics and Archaeology from the University of Melbourne and has been honoured with lifetime membership from the state, national and professional astrological organisations in Australia. He lives in lutruwita (Tasmania), on the edge of the world!

Clare Martin is an integrative psychotherapist and has been a practising astrologer, teacher and lecturer since 1990. Former President of the Faculty of Astrological Studies, she is now a Patron of the Faculty. Clare is the author of Mapping the Psyche, a three volume Introduction to Psychological Astrology, based on the course she taught for many years at the Centre for Psychological Astrology. She is also the author of Alchemy: The Soul of Astrology. Her latest book Star-Crossed, explores the astrology of personality theory.

Safron Rossi, Ph.D., has spent her life steeped in mythology, literature, and art and has been a scholar-practitioner of archetypal psychological astrology since 2013. A member of the Core Faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute in the Jungian and Archetypal Studies MA/PhD program, Safron teaches courses on Greek mythology, archetypal cosmology & astrology, and scholarly praxis. For many years she was the Curator of the Joseph Campbell, James Hillman and Marija Gimbutas manuscript collections at Opus Archives.
Safron is author of The Kore Goddess: A Mythology & Psychology (2021), co-editor of Jung on Astrology (2017) and editor of Joseph Campbell's Goddesses: Mysteries of the Feminine Divine (2013). Safron has published articles in Jungian, Archetypal, and astrological journals and lectures across the US and internationally in Europe, South America and Australia. Safron is also a consulting astrologer.

Jason Holley has been a practicing astrologer for over 30 years, having grown up in a five-generation Appalachian matrilineage of tea leaf readers and astrology-loving eccentrics. He has also been a licensed psychotherapist for 15 years.
Jason leads courses and workshops in North and South America, Australia, and Europe, as well as online. Inspired by studies in psychodrama and Jungian psychology, Jason has developed experiential ways of engaging astrological symbolism and myth through imagination, enactment, dance and movement, dreamwork, art-making, and storytelling. His time is also spent in mentorship with astrologers interested in a slower, contemplative, relational practice of our art.
Jason’s interest has been to re-embed astrological practice and technique into the deeper soils of story, symbol, body, and earth, from which they emerge — to enable each person to reconnect within themselves the dreaming earth and the reflecting sky. Recent projects have included “The Signs in Myth and Psyche”, a 30-hour course exploring the Greek and Roman myths of each constellation associated to the signs; as well as “Day, Night, and Twilight Consciousness”, a psychological re-imagining of the Hellenistic doctrine of Sect in astrology.
For a decade Jason was a core faculty member of Southwestern College, a transpersonal counseling and art therapy graduate school in Santa Fe, teaching courses in the Psychology of Consciousness, Human Development, Trauma, and Sexuality. In the mid-aughts he developed a myth and psychology program for residential patients at the Life Healing Center of Santa Fe, for survivors of early childhood trauma and dissociation. In the astrology community, he has taught at UAC, ISAR, NORWAC, FAA (Australia), Astrology University, MISPA/CPA, the School of Evolutionary Astrology, and Kepler College.